Sedona, AZ
Oct 26-29, 2023
Kuntanawa Nation Ceremony and Forest Guardian Certification:
The Kuntanawa Nation Ceremony and Forest Guardian Certification is a 3 day transformative experience that allows individuals to truly comprehend the immense power and wisdom of medicinal plants. Through a combination of ancient rituals and ancestral teachings, participants are able to delve into the depths of traditional knowledge. Over the course of two days, the Grandmother Tea rituals provide a profound connection with the spiritual realm, unlocking insights and healing. Additionally, the application of Hape and Sananga opens the doors to self-discovery and heightened perception. The integration circle ensures that the teachings are deeply internalized, and the option of Kambo medicine further enhances the transformative journey. Upon completion, each participant receives a prestigious Certificate, enabling them to bring this newfound knowledge and healing back to their communities. Join us on this incredible journey of self-discovery and become a certified Forest Guardian, empowering yourself and those around you with the ancient medicines from the Kuntanawa Nation.
Forest Guardian Certification: Introductory Hapeh and Sananga administration training
2 nights of Grandmother Tea
Hape and Sananga Medicine
Kambo available (additional fee)
Talks and Teachings
Genipapo painting included
Integration Circle
Traditional Music
Professional Chef
Beds and Private Rooms available (additional fee)
Wholesaler Discounts Available
Payment Plans Available
*Check-in 3pm, October 26th and Check-out 10am-12pm October 29th.
$1777 + food and accomodations