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Sedona, AZ

Oct 26-29, 2023

Kuntanawa Nation Ceremony and Forest Guardian Certification:

The Kuntanawa Nation Ceremony and Forest Guardian Certification is a 3 day transformative experience that allows individuals to truly comprehend the immense power and wisdom of medicinal plants. Through a combination of ancient rituals and ancestral teachings, participants are able to delve into the depths of traditional knowledge. Over the course of two days, the Grandmother Tea rituals provide a profound connection with the spiritual realm, unlocking insights and healing. Additionally, the application of Hape and Sananga opens the doors to self-discovery and heightened perception. The integration circle ensures that the teachings are deeply internalized, and the option of Kambo medicine further enhances the transformative journey. Upon completion, each participant receives a prestigious Certificate, enabling them to bring this newfound knowledge and healing back to their communities. Join us on this incredible journey of self-discovery and become a certified Forest Guardian, empowering yourself and those around you with the ancient medicines from the Kuntanawa Nation.

  • Forest Guardian Certification: Introductory Hapeh and Sananga administration training

  • 2 nights of Grandmother Tea

  • Hape and Sananga Medicine 

  • Kambo available (additional fee)

  • Talks and Teachings

  • Genipapo painting included

  • Integration Circle 

  • Traditional Music

  • Professional Chef

  • Beds and Private Rooms available (additional fee)

  • Wholesaler Discounts Available 

  • Payment Plans Available


*Check-in 3pm, October 26th and Check-out 10am-12pm October 29th.


$1777 + food and accomodations

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